Krótka powtórka przedmaturalna. Tak na ostatnią chwilkę przypominamy słówka związane z pracą.
Job Name Description
accountant a person who maintains financial records.
actor a person who acts in a play or movie.
architect a person who designs buildings.
author a person who writes books, plays, and other literary works.
baker a person who bakes bread, cakes, etc.
bartender a person who makes and serves alcoholic beverages either at a pub, night club, or bar.
butcher a person who prepares meat to be sold to customers.
caretaker a person who takes care of graveyards, schools
cashier a person who collects payment for merchandise.
chef a person who prepares food; distinguished from a cook by a degree in culinary arts
civil servant a person who is employed as a government worker in one of several offices that provide services for the community.
clerk a person who does general office work.
computer operator / programmer a person who writes software programs that are used on computers.
cook a person who cooks food in a restaurant.
construction worker a person who builds buildings.
decorator a person who decorates houses, offices, ect, for special events.
dentist a person who treats diseases of the teeth, gums and mouth.
doctor a person who teats diseases of the body.
driver bus / taxi / truck a person who earns money driving.
garbageman (refuse collector) the person who picks up and gets rid of your trash.
economist a person who studies, works, in the field of economics.
editor a person who finds and corrects mistakes in other's writings.
electrician a person who works installing and repairing electric equipment.
farmer a person who operates a farm.
fisherman a person who catches fish.
film director the person who tells actors what to do on the movie set.
flight attendant a person who serves food and takes care of passangers on an airline.
hairdresser a person who cuts and styles hair.
jeweler a person who makes jewelery.
journalist a person who gathers and delivers news. Also known as a reporter.
judge a person who hears and determines cause in a court of law.
lawyer a person who practises law.
miner a person who works digging minerals (coal, gold, etc.) out of the ground.
musician a person who plays a musical instrument.
nurse a person who takes care of patients.
optician a doctor who specializes in the treatment of the eyes.
painter a person who paints houses, apartments or other structures.
pharmacist a person who prepares and dispenses medical drugs.
photographer a person who takes pictures, usually for money.
pilot a person who flies an airplane.
plumber a person who installs and repairs water fixtures.
police officer a person who enforces the law and arrests criminals
porter a person hired to carry baggage
prison guard a person who keeps order at a jail or prison.
receptionist a person who greets visitors at an office.
sailor a person who works on a ship or ocean going vessel.
server a person who serves food in a restaurant. Has replaced the terms waiter and waitress in most places in the United States.
salesperson a person who sells merchandise or services; usually paid by commission.
scientist a person who is specialized in science especially one of the natural sciences.
secretary a person who handles correspondence and does clerical work.
soldier a person who serves in the armed forces.
surgeon a doctor who specializes in treatment of diseases by performing operations on the body.
tailor a person who makes or mends or alters clothing.
teacher a person who helps students learn various subjects.
telephone operator a person who helps people make phone calls.
travel agent a person who arranges travel plans for clients.
TV cameraman a person who operates the recording camera for a television program.
veterinarian usually shortened to vet. An animal doctor. A person who treats animal illnesses.
waiter a person who serves food in a restaurant (male-waiter, female-waitress)
writer a person who writes professionally.
warden the top person in a prison facility.